Newsletter - Term 1 - Week 6 - 5 March 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Ivanhoe East Community,
What an incredible first half of the term it has been. As we make our way to the long weekend I would like to acknowledge the students, staff and parents for the great start to 2025, the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication is something special. It’s been wonderful to see students deeply engaged in their learning, friendships flourishing in the yard, and our school community coming together to support and celebrate one another.
From exciting classroom projects to sporting achievements and creative endeavours, there has been so much to be proud of. A huge thank you to our teachers and support staff for their ongoing commitment, and to our families for the encouragement and involvement that makes our school such a fantastic place to be.
A reminder that this Friday is a Curriculum Day (student free day) where the teachers will be working towards planning for Term 2 and having some Professional Development work towards some of our communication tools that we use at school. So students will be enjoying a 4 day weekend as Labour Day is on Monday. See you all back on Tuesday the 11th of March.
As we continue through the term, I’d like to share a small reminder regarding the 3D-printed whistles that have become quite popular among students. While we love to see creativity and innovation in action, we kindly ask that these remain at home moving forward. Unfortunately, some students have had disagreements over them, and others, upon hearing them in the yard, have mistakenly thought an emergency was occurring and have come to the office out of concern. Keeping them at home will help ensure a safe and calm school environment for everyone.
Thank you for your support and for making our school such a positive place to learn and grow. We look forward to an exciting and productive second half of the term!
Cricket Ball safety message
We love seeing students enjoying cricket in the yard and encourage them to keep playing! However, to ensure everyone's safety, we ask that students do not bring ‘Hard Cricket Balls’ to school, as they can pose a serious injury risk.
Instead, students should use tennis balls or Cricket Blast balls when playing cricket at school. These options help keep the game fun and safe for everyone.
Thank you for your support in keeping our schoolyard a safe and enjoyable place for all students!
Ben Phillips,
Acting Principal
School Photos are coming to IEPS soon!
SchoolPix will be coming to IEPS soon. Please keep an eye out for a hard copy of your order form with your child's unique ordering code which will be coming home sometime this week.
Please contact SchoolPix directly with any order queries you may have.
Lorne Surf Camp
On the 25th of February the Year 6s left for their last primary school camp at the Lorne S.L.S.C. When we got there we had a talk from Phil the head lifeguard, then went to our cabins and got settled. After that, it was time for our first activity of the day, one group did surfing and the other went on a pier walk. Later that evening some people decided to participate in a camp talent show, there was singing dancing, comedy, and more. The next day we went on a long, hot, tiring, walk to Live Wire, but when we got there it was worth the walk, we swung from the tree tops and bounced on trampolines in the forest.
The rest of the day was followed by beach games and more surfing. That night we participated in a 4 round trivia game, where we all got to choose our groups, and choose funny names. The next day we did a long hike in the wet, and cold, to Teddy’s Lookout. The view was beautiful, and the fog cleared for the walk back. Later that day we did a first aid lesson with Michael who is one of the lifeguards, where we learnt CPR and the DRSABCD plan, also known as the Doctor’s ABCD. In the evening we went on a beach walk, and watched a movie. In the morning we packed up and went home, after an amazing week we were so tired!
- By Christiana and Alice 6A
The Stand Up Project Incursion - Year 6
Monday 24th March
The Stand Up Project (SUP) is a program that IEPS is investing in, aimed at reducing discrimination, harassment, and bullying through promoting student voice, agency and leadership.
Our Year 6 cohort will be educated on the causes and impacts of poor behaviour and how to be an ‘Upstander’ using the Four D approach (Direct, Delay, Delegate, and Distract). Students willing, will volunteer to become a SUP Student Leader, whose role it is to identify key issues within Ivanhoe East Primary School and develop class plans and activities to promote Upstander behaviours. SUP Student Leaders will lead classes for our younger year levels, ensuring that the program is driven by students and tailored to the IEPS community’s needs.
Learning outcomes for all Year 6 students include:
✅Demonstrate an understanding of the drivers of discrimination, harassment and bullying, as well as the history and research behind the ‘bystander effect’.
✅Analyse and reflect on evidence to guide appropriate Upstander actions.
✅Identify and articulate social justice issues that matter to students and our community.
✅Develop the ability to recognise poor behaviours (e.g. friendship fire, mean on purpose, bullying, etc), assess situations, and determine appropriate responses through games and interactive activities.
Cyber Safety Project
We are excited to welcome the Cyber Safety Project to IEPS for an engaging and educational incursion on Wednesday, 19th March. This important event will equip students in Years 1-6 with essential skills to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.
Throughout the sessions, students will explore:
🔹 Digital Defenders (Years 1 & 2): Recognising unsafe online situations, understanding emotions, and learning when to S.T.O.P. and seek help.
🔹 Privacy Protectors (Years 3 & 4): Identifying personal, private, and public information, understanding online risks, and creating strong passwords.
🔹 Cyber Citizens (Years 5 & 6): Exploring cyberbullying, responsible online behaviour, and protecting personal information.
In addition to the student sessions, we encourage all parents and guardians to attend the Cyber Safety & Wellbeing Parent Information Session from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM on the Wednesday 19th of March. This interactive workshop will provide insights into:
✅ The latest gaming and social networking trends
✅ Parental controls and privacy settings
✅ How to report cyberbullying and online abuse
✅ Managing screen time and fostering digital wellbeing at home
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn from leading educators and ensure we are all working together to create a safe and positive digital environment for our students.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please click the link below to sign up for the free parent evening on the 19th of March.
Second Hand Uniform Shop- Volunteers needed for Term 2
To keep the Second Hand Uniform shop running we urgently need some new volunteers to take over the job in Term 2
As you are already aware, the Second Hand Uniform shop would not exist without our parent volunteers. We are in need of some new volunteers to take over the running of the Second Hand Uniform shop from the start of Term 2 onwards.
In general, the running of the shop involves sorting the donations and point of sale transactions. It's also a great way to get to know your school community.
Therefore, if you have availability each Friday morning from 8.30am - 9.15am, please contact the school office on 03 9499 2171. (**If you are keen however the day/times do not suit, we would still love to hear from you to see if we can find another option that works).
Unfortunately, if we do not get any volunteers then it is unlikely we will be able to continue to offer this service and all uniforms will need to be purchased directly from PSW.
Second Hand Uniform and Swap Shop
IEPS families, your help is needed to keep the Second Hand Uniform shop running.
In the past 12 months, over 70kg of unsuitable donations have been received. This includes uniform that is stained, too faded and/or ripped. This is in addition to many kilos of unbranded tops, jumpers, pants and other clothing which have been sent to charity.
While donations are very much wanted, please pay close attention to the following list of what can and can’t be received. The workload to sort, re-home and donate unusable items is becoming too large for staff and volunteers to manage. Space is also limited.
The Second Hand Uniform shop is a fantastic place to stock up on spares, replace lost jumpers or help out after an unexpected growth spurt. Many families stop by every week.
Please continue to drop off your good used condition uniform as outlined below. Your help and donations are greatly appreciated.
Can donate:
Summer dresses- white trim only
Winter dresses
PSW branded shorts and skorts
Jackets - must have IEPS logo
Jumpers - all styles, must have IEPS logo
T-shirts - all styles including house t-shirts, long and short sleeve, must have IEPS logo
School bags and reader bags- IEPS only
Can not be donated:
Uniform with logo that is stained, ripped or excessively faded
Plain, unbranded navy clothing of any style
Underwear (yes, it happens)
Socks, Bathers & Hats
Student of the fortnight
Assembly update
Assembly & Fortnightly Bulletin Update
In 2025, we will continue to alternate between onsite and online assemblies, however given the amount of work that is required to create a YouTube episode, these will only be showcased twice per term in weeks 4 and 8.
Each year level will host at least one onsite assembly, share their learning and present the Student of the Fortnight and green card awards and announce house points.
Assemblies will be held onsite in the school gym at 9am on Friday mornings. Please refer to the schedule below: