Every government school has a School Council which comprises parents, staff members and community members. Governed within a legal framework this group works in partnership with the principal to:

  • Assist in the efficient governance of the school
  • Ensure that all decisions are in the best interest of students
  • Enhance the educational opportunities for students
  • Ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations.


School Council meets twice a term at school on selected evenings starting at 7.30 pm. (Please refer to the school calendar for dates.) Any interested member of the school community is welcome to attend a meeting as an observer.

All School Councillors must be involved in at least one School Council subcommittee as well as being present at school events throughout the year.

Members are elected for 2 years. School Council has fifteen members and the composition is:

  • Eight Parent Members (only two may be DET employees) - 4 positions falling vacant each year
  • Five DET Employees, one being the Principal who is the executive officer of School Council - two positions falling vacant each year
  • Option of two co-opted Community Members as determined by School Council at its March meeting

You need no special experience – but rather:

  • An interest in your child’s school and a willingness to be involved in the whole school.
  • A desire to work in partnership with parents and the school’s leadership team to support the school and shape its future
  • A desire to work with the wider school community to positively promote the school and its activities.

A call for nominations is issued in February each year.

School Council is supported by the work if the following Sub Committees:



Community Engagement



Please contact the school if you are interested in joining a sub-committee.